Haskell Pond Dam

Gloucester, MA

Haskell Pond Dam

Gloucester, MA
  • Visual and underwater inspections
  • Subsurface investigations
  • Hydrologic & hydraulic evaluation
  • Wetland delineation & permitting
  • Phased construction
  • Final design of dam improvements
  • Grant application assistance
  • Construction-phase services

The City of Gloucester retained Pare to undertake evaluations, schematic and final designs, and construction-phase services for the implementation of a rehabilitation project at the Haskell Pond Dam, a 480-foot long, 35-foot-tall high hazard potential dam.

After initial investigations, Pare developed a recommended design approach specific to the site as well as incorporating the City’s design goals. The approach not only addressed dam safety concerns, but also incorporated improvements to existing water supply infrastructure to increase the day-to-day control the City has on the reservoir elevation, water quality, and emergency discharge capacity.

In response to the recommendations in the Schematic Design Report, the City retained Pare to continue with the final design and permitting of the proposed improvements. Due to cost constraints, the City requested that Pare split the project scope into three phases.

Phase I: Spillway modification and channel improvements (pictured), inclusive of underdrainage and low-level blow-off capacity.

Phase II: Gatehouse improvements and water supply system improvements, inclusive of new gates, access improvements and new water supply valves and piping.

Phase III (Pending): Replace the core wall, parapet wall, and embankment grading, inclusive of upstream armoring and raising of the embankment. Pare assisted the City with the submission of a grant application to the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs as part of their Dam and Seawall Repair and Removal Fund, securing $1 million in grants and low interest loans for Phase I and $1 million in grants for Phase II.