MADCR Emergency Action Plan Consultation

Various Locations, MA

MADCR Emergency Action Plan Consultation

Various Locations, MA
  • Emergency Action Plan Preparation
  • Personnel Training
  • Tabletop Exercise

Pare Corporation developed Emergency Actions Plans (EAP) for Framingham Reservoir #1 Dam, Framingham Reservoir #2 Dam, and Unionville Pond Dam on behalf of the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Division of Water Supply Protection (DWSP). For each, Pare completed inundation mapping to reflect “sunny day”, ½ PMF failures, and a 100-year storm failure events and then prepared detailed EAPs meeting the FEMA 64 and MADCR Office of Dam Safety EAP requirements.

Pare also held a training session for Park Rangers to familiarize DWSP staff with the general content of the EAP, the role that they may be asked to take in the event of an actual emergency, and conditions they may observe that could be indicative of developing emergency situations at the dams. The training session include 3 hours of a classroom presentation followed by a sandbagging exercise demonstrating techniques for erection of sand bag dikes, either for boil ring containment or crest raising.

Pare also played an active role in a tabletop exercise for a mock failure of the Reservoir #2 Dam, which resulted in recommendations for the exercise’s dynamic emergency situation and associated evacuation activities.