Wyoming Upper Pond Dam

Hopkinton/Richmond, RI

Wyoming Upper Pond Dam

Hopkinton/Richmond, RI
  • Alternatives analysis & conceptual design
  • Wetlands delineation & permitting
  • Final design & contract document preparation
  • Reinforced concrete slab and wall design
  • Wall and embankment stability evaluation
  • Control of Water
  • Construction-phase services

Pare Corporation was retained by the RIDEM Division of Planning and Development to design repairs to the spillway, low-level outlet, and sluiceway for the Wyoming Upper Pond Dam on the border of Hopkinton and Richmond, RI. A dam has been at this location since the 1750’s with the dam as it exists today being in place since at least 1890. Aging concrete, development of sinkholes, leaking stone masonry, and an inoperable/inaccessible low-level outlet were the primary focus of the design. Subsequent subsurface explorations during a feasibility study to relocate the low-level outlet found poor soil conditions, resulting in the need to excavate and replace the embankment right of the spillway. Pare developed a repair program to restore the dam to a serviceable condition.

Pare completed the Final Design and prepared the Contract Documents, followed by assisting the RIDEM in the bidding process. Construction began in June 2021 and was completed in April 2022. Pare provided construction observation services and, upon completion, developed a Contract Closeout package, an O&M Manual, and updated the EAP to the new state format complete with new inundation mapping.

This project won the Third Place 2023 ACEC-RI Engineering Excellence Award for “Projects under $10 Million.”