1304 High Street Green Stormwater Project

Central Falls, RI

1304 High Street Green Stormwater Project

Central Falls, RI
  • Environmental investigations
  • Site and hazardous building material surveys
  • Asbestos abatement and building demolition
  • Design of on-site and right-of-way GSI BMPs
  • Site layout and athletic field design
  • RIDEM Office of Water Resources Permitting
  • Stakeholder outreach with City of Central Falls

Pare, as subconsultant to Stantec, is performing Program Management and Construction Management services for the Narragansett Bay Commission’s (NBC) Phase III Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Program. Green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) was identified as one of the strategies to abate CSOs to meet the Program goals.

Pare performed design and construction-phase services for a GSI Demonstration project in Central Falls to demonstrate how effective GSI installations may be at reducing CSOs at other sites in a dense, urban setting. It was centered around an abandoned former commercial property that the City desired to redevelop into a new park and natural grass soccer field. Soil sampling conducted by Pare identified contaminated soils and delineated the extent of onsite contamination.

Pare prepared a Remedial Action Work Plan on NBC’s behalf. The primary remedial measure was a clean soil cap overlying contaminated soils that remain on site. This cap has a 24-inch profile and doubles as a new soccer field. In bioretention areas, excavated soil was removed and reused onsite beneath the cap. Permeable pavers serve as a hardscape cap in other areas of the site.

Several GSI Best Management Practices (BMPs) were used for the project. Permeable paver driveways and walkways were installed to minimize impervious surfaces at the site. Bioretention areas were installed to the north and south of the site’s soccer field to treat and infiltrate stormwater collected from offsite sources that currently discharge to the combined sewer collection system. Finally, tree box filters and vegetated swales were installed within right-of-way areas surrounding the site. The Louis C. Yip Soccer Field is now open for use by interscholastic and city soccer teams.