Rose Hill Transfer Station

South Kingstown, RI

Rose Hill Transfer Station

South Kingstown, RI
  • License Renewal
  • Operating and Closure Plan
  • Site improvements to optimize traffic flow
  • OWTS repair
  • Stormwater treatment design
  • Structural improvements
  • Leachate collection system upgrades

Pare Corporation has been involved with the Rose Hill Transfer Station since its opening in 1982.

Solid waste is compacted into 100-cubic yard trailers and transported to the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation’s Central Landfill in Johnston, RI on a daily basis. Pare was responsible for the original design (site layout, building design, drainage design, parking and traffic management, groundwater monitoring wells, and a leachate collection system) and permitting. Pare has remained involved with the Transfer Station throughout its history, providing design, engineering, and permitting services as requested by the Town of South Kingstown.

Pare was again hired more recently, through the Transfer Station’s operator, Waste Haulers, LLC, to update the station’s Operating License with the state. This includes the preparation of an updated Operating and Closure Plan and a Site Plan, all in accordance with the RI Solid Waste Regulations. Other components of the project include the design of an onsite wastewater treatment system repair, design of a stormwater treatment system and upgrades to the leachate collection system, relocation of scales, design of structural improvements to the main building, and development of universal/E-waste handling procedures in accordance with the RI Hazardous Waste Regulations.